WhoshouldIsee Tracks

Protecting students, staff & visitors

We provide our reliable and dedicated services to universities, colleges and schools nationwide, enhancing the safety, security, accessibility and convenience for staff, students and visitors. Popular solutions for educational spaces include...

Access control

Access control holds one of the most important roles in protecting students, staff and visitors in educational spaces. Control of every entrance and exit point offers peace of mind, proactive security strategies and measures and organised accessibility.

Door entry access control choices include electronic escutcheons, cylinders, electronic locks with sleek ring readers and more.

Attendance management

Wall readers can be set as attendance management systems. Example white readers can be dedicated to attendance management, and black readers dedicated to access control. Smart attendance management is time efficient and improves record-keeping.

Credential benefits

Flexible credential management allows you to setup orchestrated access control to manage access control to specific areas of the building, permit or limit access rights to certain areas, at particular days and times.

Shared living spaces

Smart access control solutions available to manage shared living spaces efficiently. Recommended Salto’s XS4 Locker Lock can be fitted on shared kitchen cupboards and wireless Neo Cylinders perfectly fit on shared fridges. This setup allows authorised access to shared living spaces. Simple installation, with little disruption, possible during term-time if required

Interlocking doors

High-security interlocking doors increase security measures because the second door opens only when the first door is closed and dependent on if the person in transit has permission to pass through the second door too, checked via RFID/NFC cards/badges, biometrics etc. Interlocking doors are suited for education facilities where security holds paramount importance.

Automated doors

Automatic doors improve accessibility and security, with automatic sliding doors complying with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). Ideal contact-free doors solutions for high volume spaces like campuses entrance & exits, classrooms, corridors, or libraries where quiet operation is required. Automatic sliding and folding doors are ideal for when space is limited.

Automatic doors can be setup to support emergency situations, where the doors will stay permanently open to facilitate the evacuation of the premises or to be used to isolate areas with potential dangers. In case of a power outage, the emergency batteries will function to open the door until the power supply is restored.

Vehicle barriers

Mitigate the risk of unauthorised visitors and security breaches and control traffic flow. Utilise access control through Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), integrated video intercom, integrate with your access control system to allow users entry based on their credentials and time of the day.

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Get in touch and let us know how we can help secure your premises. Get in touch and let us know how we can help. Our team are available from Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm excluding bank holidays.

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